The Outback Blog

A brown tree is never a good thing. So when you gaze up at your majestic blue spruce and realize its top towering branches are a crispy brown, you’re right to be concerned.

Why is the top of your spruce tree dying? Let’s take a look.

And we’ll talk about how to stop evergreens from turning brown in the first place.

Sometimes we get calls from clients whose trees aren’t coming out of dormancy. Instead of new leaves unravelling from the tips of branches, the tree is still bare. Or the leaves are pale and fall off within a few days.

When they call us, we always ask the question, “Did you just plant or move your tree last season?”

And, often, the answer is yes.

Windbreaks are rows of trees that provide a screen or protection from the wind, as well as blowing sand or dirt. When the wind hits, a windbreak lifts the wind up and over, protecting the property.

And windbreaks can do more than just keep your hair looking good on a windy day. They can also save you as much as 25 percent on your energy bills by filtering, deflecting and slowing wind before it reaches your home. The end result is an insulated area that provides a more comfortable environment—inside and out!

Trees can give you shade, wildlife homes and your landscape a more established look.

Add in some colorful blooms, and you’ve got a stunning focal point with some major aesthetic value.

Sounds like a real win-win, right?

There are a variety of flowering trees that will thrive in your Idaho Falls landscape, but it’s important you choose the right ones for your space.

Check out the benefits and best trees you can start enjoying on your property.

We know what you’re thinking. Don’t trees and shrubs hibernate for the winter? Why should we worry about them from our cozy couch beneath three blankets?

They seem sturdy enough. But Idaho winters are brutal.

Why do trees and shrubs — which seem pretty sturdy — need so much protection?