The Outback Blog

Selling your house? You’re probably surrounded by cans of paint and busy clearing out closets.

Don’t forget your front yard. Landscaping plays a huge part in selling a house.

Think about it. Potential homebuyers see your lawn, your garden beds and your front walkway long before they get a peek at that half bath you just remodeled.

But you don’t want to invest a ton of money in a house you’re leaving, right?  At the same time, you know your home will sell faster and for a better price if it has impressive curb appeal.

What are the best landscape projects to increase resale value? And how much of a difference can sprucing up your curb appeal really make?

You’ve spent the past few months working hard to keep your lawn looking great.

(And you thought we didn’t notice.)

Don’t stop now.

Winter can take a toll on your lawn, from whiskered burrowing mice and voles to icky snow mold to pesky plows that gouge your pretty green carpet.

How to protect your lawn in winter? Here are 6 Steps.

If you have a lawn, it needs regular mowing. And the clippings have to go somewhere.

Bagging clippings involves collecting the cut grass and either putting it in a compost bin or disposing of it in an approved yard waste container.

Or you can decide to mulch the clippings instead. Mulching means the grass clippings remain in the yard, where they decompose over time.

Mulching vs. bagging grass clippings: which is best? Here in Idaho, we need both methods.

Let's take a look.

Worried about how much water you use to keep your lawn and landscape healthy and beautiful?

When you’re watering your landscape, those gallons add up.

Here at Outback, we’re irrigation experts. 

Here are ten tips to help you save water when watering your lawn and plants.