The Outback Blog

Oh, the landscaping plans you have in your head.

A great new patio where you can lounge on Sunday mornings with the birds and squirrels.

An outdoor kitchen, complete with a pizza oven, so you can wow your friends with that new asparagus, potato and goat cheese pizza recipe.

Or maybe you're just tired of your scraggly junipers and lackluster lawn. It’s time for a full-scale front yard makeover.

But how much does residential landscape design cost?

Sometimes, your commercial landscaping just gets away from you.

We see it all the time. Property managers have a lot on their plates. Problems are often sneaky.

Maybe your irrigation system turns on faithfully — including right after it rains.

Tree branches seem to have a mind of their own, snagging passers-by and growing into the sides of buildings.

Don't worry — it’s not just you. Here’s a look at five of the most common landscaping problems. The good news? We know exactly how to fix them.

Office buildings are often big expanses of concrete, brick and glass.

Great landscaping can bring them to life.

Think serene garden courtyards where employees can meet with

colleagues, relax with a book or enjoy lunch with a cool breeze.

Don’t underestimate the power of landscaping for an office building. It could make all the difference to a potential tenant who has viewed five places. Or to a customer who may either pass right by — or stop in.

Let’s take a look at some great landscaping ideas for office buildings.

When you’re choosing a commercial landscape contractor, you should have a lot of questions. Pretend you’re an investigative reporter and dive in: How long have you been in business?

What kinds of insurance do you have? How will you communicate with me — and how often?

You get the idea.

Hiring a company to keep your property looking its best is important. So get all your answers before signing a contract.

Not sure what to ask?

Here are some key questions to ask your potential commercial landscape contractor in Idaho Falls — and the answers you want to hear.