The Outback Blog

Imagine the glow of a fire warming your face as you chat with friends on a crisp fall evening. Or, what about enjoying the taste of roasted marshmallows as you tell stories around the flames?

The ways you can enjoy your backyard fire pit are pretty endless — if you have the right design, fire pit size, location and construction from the start, that is.

So before you start imagining all of the ways your fire pit will enhance your outdoor space, here are some important things you better think about first.

Longing for a bigger yard? Maybe you haven't made the most of what you already have.

Professional landscape designers have a few tips and tricks up their sleeve to maximize the space of small yards.

They won’t make your yard bigger — but it will sure seem bigger.

Here are a few of our favorite tips for landscaping small areas.

You have the landscape design of your dreams all planned out, from the planting materials to the layout.

Now, it’s time to bring that vision to life so you can start enjoying your transformed outdoor space. But in between signing off on the stunning landscape design and sipping cocktails on your living area, things can get a bit messy — and that’s completely normal.

Instead of feeling horrified when you look out your window only to see dirt where your lawn once was, you need to understand what all goes on during the landscape construction process.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa has nothing on your patio, and watching things roll across the pavers has actually become your least-favorite pastime. But no matter how hard you try, one thing is constant: your patio pavers are not level. How frustrating.

Before you can fix your problem (or prevent it in the future), you need to figure out what’s causing the uneven surface. Here are five possible reasons your patio pavers aren’t level and how to fix them.

How To Repair A Paver Patio

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Paver problems?

You're not alone.

Your paver patio looked so great when it was first installed, didn't it? All those bricks perfectly aligned.

But time takes a toll on paver surfaces. A crack here, a crooked brick there. And why do some pavers look like they’re sinking into the ground?

When the time comes, do you know how to repair a paver patio? How to fix sunken pavers? How to replace broken pavers?

Don't worry — you'll have those pavers looking pretty again in no time.