Apartment dwellers hate snow-covered, slippery surfaces — maybe even more than the rest of us.
There’s no garage, usually, so there’s a pesky trek out to the car across a potentially slick parking lot.
They want to make it out there without taking a dangerous tumble. They want sidewalks clear of snow.
They don’t want huge piles of plowed snow eating up valuable parking space.
Do you have a plan?
Here’s our expert advice for snow removal contracts for apartment complexes.
Liability First
Of course, you want your apartment complex residents to navigate parking lots and sidewalks safely and comfortably on the most blustery days.
It’s part of your commitment to managing a top-level place to live.
But apartment complex snow services are vital for another reason — liability.
As a property owner, you could be legally liable if a resident or visitor gets injured on your site.
You’re responsible to carry out “reasonable care” in managing the property so that people are safe from harm.
Here’s what you need:
Snowplowing —With A Boost From GPS
You knew we were going to say this. Of course you need plowing to push the snow off your parking lots, out of your entrances and off your walkways.
But does your snow removal contractor have GPS tracking for snow plows, trucks and loaders? Not all do. But they should.
GPS tracking software gives real-time data of the location of each truck as they’re attacking a storm, helping to navigate where the truck’s been and where it should go.
Because the software makes historical information available, snow removal managers can review past performance on snow removal and adjust their responses for the next big storm.
But there’s more.
If someone is injured and says they slipped on the ice on your property, can you prove you had a snow and ice removal company clear your lot and walkways?
If your contractor uses GPS tracking, they have proof of exactly where they were, at what time.
Planning Ahead
Some things to think of now, before the snow flies:
- Be sure your contractor notes where all your fire hydrants are so they can keep them clear.
- Decide ahead of time where you want the snow piled.
- Show your contractor where your parking lot drains are so they can keep them clear. If snow melts there, ponds can form that will re-freeze.
Thinking ahead now saves snow removal headaches later.
Don’t mess around with ice. It’s treacherous.
At Outback, we take ice really seriously, using a whole menu of ice melt products to do the job right.
We use an ice melt mixture that’s less corrosive than straight rock salt and friendlier to the environment.
When our crews apply ice melt it won’t refreeze. We use liquid magnesium for pre-treating concrete or important parking lot areas such as walk ways or handicap spaces. This prevents the ice from bonding to the pavement and on light days will burn off any accumulation or ice from freezing fog.
Sidewalks get coated with treated rock salt, a finer product good for places with foot traffic. The treated rock salt we use is safe for both concrete and landscaping.
Bye, ice.
Clearing Car Ports
Make sure your snow removal contract calls for clearing any snow from under car ports a few times during the season.
This will help reduce ice build-up at these high-use areas.
On warm days any snow and ice surrounding car ports melts, running underneath them. Then, when the temperature dips below freezing at night, it re-freezes, creating a treacherous situation for your residents.
Snow Hauling
You might not have considered this.
Do you have room on your property to store the big piles of pushed-aside snow from plowing?
If not, you’ll need the snow hauled away, off your property. It’s often a key part of snow removal for an apartment complex.
There’s an extra charge for this, because it requires additional big equipment, dump trucks, loaders, and crew time, but it’s worth it.
If these big piles of snow start to stack up, snow will be pushed places it shouldn’t, potentially causing damage. Snow ends up being pushed into valuable parking spaces or blocking drains.
Plow drivers can’t just magically find more space. Either you have it, or you don't.
If you don't, plan to have that snow hauled away.
Trust Outback Landscape With Your Apartment Complex Snow Services
At Outback Landscape, we’re snow and ice experts. And keeping apartment complexes clear of winter's hazards is one of our specialties.
Our snow removal service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have certified snow professionals on staff and we’re insured for snow removal.
All our snow removal equipment has GPS systems on board, so property managers know we were there.
Your tenants and their visitors expect your property to be safe, free from piles of snow and slick, dangerous ice.
Trust us to make that happen.
We offer snow plowing, hauling and ice melt applications. Located in Idaho Falls, Idaho, we serve residential and commercial properties in Idaho Falls, Rexburg and Pocatello, Idaho, as well as Bonneville, Madison and Bannock counties.
Contact Outback Landscape for a free snow removal estimate at 208-656-3220, or fill out the contact form to schedule an onsite consultation.
It’s about to get slick out there.
We’d love to hear from you.