7 Landscaping Tips to Enhance Your Business’s Curb Appeal

Here’s a fun thing to try next time you drive up to your commercial property: pretend you’re not you. Would you want to stop and go in?

Would you want to rent there? Shop there? Do business there? 

How’s your curb appeal landscaping?

Details matter. You need expert irrigation maintenance to keep your commercial landscaping thriving. Regular blowing and edging. Weed control. Dead heading. Bright, beautiful, healthy flowers. A lush lawn. Enhancements that impress. 

Does your business need a curb appeal boost? Let’s get to it:

1. Boost Business Curb Appeal with Wow-Worthy Plants

Commercial landscaping needs colorful flowers. They attract attention, impress customers and visitors, and bring the wow.

You don’t need 5,000 brilliant red begonias or hot pink petunias, although that would look pretty cool. 

Intriguing plants with great foliage boost your curb appeal, too. 

plantings at commercial property

Gold Mound Spirea adds great color to your commercial landscaping, with vibrant golden spring foliage, clusters of pink flowers that don’t need pruning, and bright yellow-orange foliage in the fall.

Boost your business curb appeal with the stunning deep purple foliage of Diablo Ninebark, an impressive shrub even without the pretty white flower clusters that appear in summer.

Planters count, too, as long as you go big. Oversize planters can show off banana trees, exotic palms and colorful canna. 

Impressive plants are business curb appeal no-brainers.

2. Keep That Water Flowing

All those plants need dependable irrigation to thrive. And dead grass isn’t exactly a great welcome mat. 

So don’t ignore your sprinkler system. It works hard out there, which means occasionally, things need repair. 

Have your irrigation system checked regularly as part of your commercial landscaping services in Idaho Falls. 

sprinkler heads water grass

Sprinkler heads can break or need adjustment. New technology means upgrades that add efficiency, saving you water and money.

Want to improve your business curb appeal? Stay on top of that irrigation maintenance.

3. Let Your Lawn Make a Great First Impression

Everybody notices a healthy carpet of green grass. And they really notice when your lawn is weedy, brown, or struggling. 

Improve your business curb appeal with healthy, thriving turf. That means regular fertilizing and weed control, the super important duo that keeps your lawn well-fed and reduces weeds with perfectly timed treatments throughout the seasons.
Lawn fertilization — a crucial part of commercial landscaping services in Idaho Falls —  kicks off here in Idaho in early spring, adding crucial nutrients to your hungry soil and giving your grass that nice pop of green, fast.


You want a blend of quick-release and slow-release fertilizer to deliver both immediate and long-term results.

But it’s not a one-time deal. You need to fertilize your lawn three times each summer — mid-May, around the end of June, and in early to mid-August.

Guess what? It’s still hungry. Fall fertilizing is actually the most important feeding of the year. This fertilizer burst, which should happen around Halloween, is all about feeding your lawn’s roots.

You’ll also need a multi-step war on weeds as part of your commercial landscaping services in Idaho Falls, starting with spring pre-emergent treatments and following up with broadleaf applications to hit dandelions and clover, and spot treatments when pesky intruders sneak in.

Give your lawn what it needs to boost your business curb appeal, then stand back and watch it impress.

4. Boost Business Curb Appeal with Memorable Enhancements

People love cool stuff. Stylish and comfortable outdoor seating. Splashy water features. Trendy lighting. Fun playscapes for kids. Huge planters brimming with exotic plants. 

water feature at commercial property

Enhancements don’t have to be a big construction project. Impressive new beds of colorful flowers count. So does spiffy new signage. Or a few welcoming tables with colorful umbrellas for shady respite. 

If they’re taking selfies out there to post on Instagram, good job.

5. Behold the Magic of Mulch

Curb appeal landscaping is nothing without its key player, the mighty mulch.

A fresh delivery of rich brown mulch instantly makes everything around it look better. 

But mulch isn’t just a pretty face. 

mulch in landscape bed at commercial property

Bark mulch conserves water so you need less irrigation. It keeps rain from washing away your soil, keeps weeds from popping up, and it even adds nutrients to your soil as it breaks down over time. 

Keep it fresh for the best curb appeal landscaping.

6. Enhance Business Curb Appeal with New Foundation Plants

Something pretty basic plays a huge part in your curb appeal landscaping — your foundation plants

These hard-working plants connect your building to the surrounding landscape. They’re supposed to offer great curb appeal, enhance your building’s best features and soften its hard edges.

But these key business curb appeal plants often get ignored. 

plantings near clubhouse at commercial property

Take a good look out there. Are your hedges overgrown? Do you see stiff and aging evergreen shrubs? Or a boring row of the same old yews everybody else has? None of that is doing you any favors. 

Boosting curb appeal can be as easy as replacing old foundation plantings with a vibrant new mix that adds an instant update. 

The best foundation plantings for commercial landscaping include a mix of small ornamental trees or upright evergreens; mid-size shrubs; and perennials, from graceful grasses to low-growing ground covers.

Think variety — a mix of plants with different shapes and textures. Avoid a boring row of the same old thing. 

Bonus curb appeal landscaping points if your foundation plantings look great year round, with staggered bloom times and striking fall foliage.

7. Keep Everything Tidy — Year Round

Spring and fall cleanup should be on every list of tips for boosting business curb appeal, getting rid of ratty debris and keeping your property looking neat and appealing.

But twice a year doesn’t cut it. Regular landscape maintenance throughout the year keeps soggy leaves and ugly weeds from wrecking your curb appeal landscaping.

Add an extra layer of attention with fine gardening services. 

Outback Landscape’s fine gardeners will deliver and plant your displays of annual flowers, then painstakingly care for them all season long.

tidy landscaping at hotel entrance

Crews will visit to apply pre-emergent, the first line of defense against spring weeds. 

Then fine gardening crews will visit weekly to tackle any weeds that popped up, either with spray or by hand. 

Annual flowers have big appetites — they need regular fertilizing to grow big and vibrant. Fine gardening keeps them nourished, boosting your business curb appeal with their bright blooms.

Ready for Curb Appeal Landscaping That Wows in Idaho Falls? Trust Outback

So how did your curb appeal experiment go? Did you like what you saw from your curbside view? Or does your business curb appeal need a boost? 

Outback Landscape offers full-service landscape design in Idaho Falls, offering landscape design, installation and maintenance throughout Southeast Idaho and Wyoming. 

We install beautiful, functional landscapes. But our work doesn’t stop there. We’ll stay with you for the long haul, taking care of your property through all four seasons, keeping your commercial landscaping healthy and your curb appeal impressive.

We serve residential and commercial properties in Idaho Falls, Rexburg and Pocatello, Idaho, as well as Bonneville, Madison and Bannock counties.

Call us at 208-656-3220. Or fill out the contact form to schedule a no-obligation meeting with one of our team members.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

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